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Information according to § 5 TMG

Augerlin MVZ GmbH
Manfred-von-Richt­hofen-Strasse 8
12101 Berlin

Commercial register: Local court Berlin (Charlot­tenburg) HRB 197123

Repre­sented by:
Bernhard Febrer Bowen, MD
Franziska Frässdorf
Stephan Kaune


Phone: 030 786 60 62

Sales tax ID

Sales tax identi­fi­cation number according to § 27 a Umsatz­steu­er­gesetz:

Supervisory authority

Berlin State Office for Health and Social Affairs
Saxon Street 28
10707 Berlin

Professional title and professional regulations

Legal Occupa­tional Title:
awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany

Respon­sible chamber:
Ärzte­kammer Berlin
Corpo­ration under public law
Fried­rich­straße 16
10969 Berlin

Phone: 030 408 06 — 0
Fax: 030 408 06 — 34 99

Profes­sional regula­tions:
Profes­sional Association of Ophthal­mo­lo­gists in Germany (BVA)
Office: Terstee­genstr. 12, D‑40474 Düsseldorf
Phone: 0211 43037–00

Profes­sional liability insurance:
HDI Versi­cherung AG
HDI Square 1
30659 Hanover

Editorially responsible

Bernhard Febrer Bowen, MD

Consumer dispute resolution/universal arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to parti­cipate in dispute resolution procee­dings before a consumer arbitration board.

Contact Medical Device Safety Officer:

Sources for the images and graphics used
© Bernhard Febrer Bowen, MD | Augerlin MVZ GmbH
© Nicole Schnitt­fincke | fotoma­nu­faktur
© Shutter­stock Ltd.
© Pixabay GmbH


Content of the website/online offer:
The author makes every effort to ensure that the website is always up to date and that the content is correct. Nevert­heless, the occur­rence of errors cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, the author does not assume any liability for the topicality, correctness, comple­teness or quality of the infor­mation provided. Liability claims against the author, which refer to material or immaterial nature caused by use or disuse of the infor­mation or the use of incorrect or incom­plete infor­mation are excluded, unless the author is not inten­tional or grossly negligent fault.

References and links:
The provider of this site has no influence on the content of the linked pages. The author hereby expressly declares that at the time the links were created, no illegal content was identi­fiable on the linked pages. The author has no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. Therefore, he hereby expressly distances himself from all contents of all linked pages that were changed after the link was set. This statement applies to all links and references set within the own Internet offer! For illegal, incorrect or incom­plete contents and especially for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such infor­mation, only the provider of the linked page is liable, not the one who has linked to the respective publi­cation.

Copyright and trademark law:
The author endeavors to observe the copyrights of the graphics and texts used in all publi­ca­tions, to use graphics and texts created by himself or to use license-free graphics and texts. The copyright for published objects created by the author himself remains solely with the author of the pages. Any dupli­cation or use of objects such as images, diagrams, sounds or texts in other electronic or printed publi­ca­tions is not permitted without the author’s agreement!

Legal effect of this disclaimer:
This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the author’s internet publi­cation. If individual formu­la­tions or parts of this text do not, no longer or do not completely corre­spond to the current legal situation, the remaining parts of this decla­ration remain unaffected in their content and validity.